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LUVAS is an inde­pen­dent prac­ti­ce affi­lia­ted to the Hirs­lan­den Kli­nik St. Anna in Lucer­ne. Prof. Dr. med. Ste­fan Ockert and Dr. med. Ste­phan Mild­ner tre­at pati­ents of all insu­rance cate­go­ries. We look for­ward to hea­ring from you about arran­ging a con­sul­ta­ti­on. Use our online boo­king ser­vice for even grea­ter convenience.

Vas­cu­lar Sur­gery LUVAS
Lüt­zel­matt­stras­se 3
6006 Lucerne

T +41 41 375 88 88
F +41 41 375 88 89


Opening Times

Mon­day – Thursday
8:00 – 12:00 and 13:00 – 17:00

8:00 – 12:00

Mon­day – Thursday
8:00 – 12:00 and 13:00 – 17:00

8:00 – 12:00


Public Transport

From the SBB train sta­ti­on, take bus no. 14 to the “Lüt­zel­matt­stras­se” stop, then fol­low the signs for Arzt­haus Lüt­zel­matt 3. You will find us in Arzt­haus Lüt­zel­matt 3 on the 4th floor.


From any of the motor­way exits to Lucer­ne, fol­low the signs for “Kli­nik St. Anna”. Paid par­king is available in the mul­tis­torey car park of the Kli­nik St. Anna.

Lea­ving the mul­tis­torey car park, go to the left of the way you dro­ve in and fol­low the signs for “Lift” (the exit to Kli­nik St. Anna is to the right). Take the lift to the 3rd flo­or and then fol­low the signs for Arzt­haus Lüt­zel­matt 3. You will find us the­re on the 4th floor.

Route Map

Rou­te map to download.


Hirslanden Clinics

Contact Form

Do you have any ques­ti­ons about medi­cal con­di­ti­ons, the initi­al con­sul­ta­ti­on at our prac­ti­ce or about accom­mo­da­ti­on in the Hirs­lan­den Kli­nik St. Anna? Plea­se send us a mes­sa­ge using the form.

    Sel­ect the sub­ject of your request*

    Your par­ti­cu­lars