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The 24-hour emer­gen­cy ser­vice of Hirs­lan­den Kli­nik St. Anna in Lucer­ne is available around the clock, 365 days a year. Adults or ado­le­s­cents over the age of 16 will be admit­ted and trea­ted at the emer­gen­cy cent­re. In the case of child­ren, plea­se cont­act us by pho­ne. For pati­ents with vas­cu­lar pro­blems, a 24-hour ser­vice of qua­li­fied vas­cu­lar spe­cia­lists is available.

In the case of acu­te dan­ger, dial the emer­gen­cy num­ber 144 directly.

Emergency Numbers

LUVAS (during the prac­ti­ce­’s ope­ning hours)
24-Hour Emer­gen­cy Cen­ter Hirs­lan­den Kli­nik St. Anna
Swiss Air-Res­cue Rega

LUVAS (during the prac­ti­ce­’s ope­ning hours)
041 375 88 88

24-Hour Emer­gen­cy Cen­ter Hirs­lan­den Kli­nik St. Anna
044 387 35 35

Swiss Air-Res­cue Rega