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LUVAS Vas­cu­lar Sur­gery Lucerne
Lüt­zel­matt­stras­se 3
CH-6006 Lucerne

Prof. Dr. med Ste­fan Ockert
Dr. med. Jan Duwe

Respon­si­ble accor­ding to Press Law
Prof. Dr. med Ste­fan Ockert
Dr. med. Jan Duwe

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The owner­ship rights to all con­tent on this web­site lie with Prof. Dr. med. Ste­fan Ockert and Dr. med. Jan Duwe. All rights reser­ved. The copy­ing of all con­tents published here is pro­hi­bi­ted and is only allo­wed for non-com­mer­cial use while naming the source as The con­tents on the web­site are not exhaus­ti­ve. They repre­sent the per­so­nal opi­ni­on of the doc­tors at LUVAS. No legal claims can be deri­ved from the infor­ma­ti­on on this website.

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The medi­cal infor­ma­ti­on on this web­site does not in any way replace the per­so­nal advice of a phy­si­ci­an or qua­li­fied health­ca­re pro­fes­sio­nal. In the case of a health pro­blem, we stron­gly advi­se you to always con­sult a doc­tor per­so­nal­ly. The con­tents of this web­site have been che­cked for accu­ra­cy and cur­rent rele­van­ce. Nevert­hel­ess, Dr. med. Jan Duwe and Prof. Dr. med. Ste­fan Ockert can­not gua­ran­tee the accu­ra­cy, cur­rent rele­van­ce and com­ple­ten­ess of the con­tent. No lia­bi­li­ty is accept­ed for any inju­ry resul­ting from the use of the con­tents of this web­site. Dr. med. Jan Duwe and Prof. Dr. med. Ste­fan Ockert assu­me no lia­bi­li­ty for the con­tent of exter­nal links; this is the sole respon­si­bi­li­ty of the ope­ra­tors of tho­se websites.

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