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Dr. med. Stephan Mildner

The indi­vi­du­al coun­sel­ling and tre­at­ment of pati­ents with vas­cu­lar dise­a­ses based on the latest sci­en­ti­fic fin­dings and my many years of expe­ri­ence as a vas­cu­lar spe­cia­list is par­ti­cu­lar­ly important to me.”

Dr. med. Ste­phan Mild­ner has spe­cia­li­sed in the field of vas­cu­lar sur­gery with a focus on peri­phe­ral bypass sur­gery inclu­ding hybrid inter­ven­ti­ons, caro­tid artery sur­gery, the crea­ti­on of acces­ses for hae­mo­dia­ly­sis and the tre­at­ment of vari­co­se veins.

After gra­dua­ting in human medi­ci­ne from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Ros­tock (Ger­ma­ny) in 1994, he com­ple­ted his sur­gi­cal trai­ning at the Kli­ni­kum Kon­stanz and the Schwarz­wald-Baar-Kli­ni­kum Vil­lin­gen-Schwen­nin­gen, both cen­tral and maxi­mum care hos­pi­tals in Baden-Würt­tem­berg (Ger­ma­ny). As a spe­cia­list in sur­gery and vas­cu­lar sur­gery, he was respon­si­ble for the care of pati­ents with vas­cu­lar dise­a­ses at Kli­ni­kum Kon­stanz from 2004 to 2020, first as a seni­or phy­si­ci­an and later as a chief physician.

From 2015 to 2017, Dr. med. Mild­ner com­ple­ted a part-time degree in health eco­no­mics at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Nurem­berg (Ger­ma­ny) and suc­cessful­ly gra­dua­ted with a Mas­ter of Health Busi­ness Admi­nis­tra­ti­on (MHBA).

Sin­ce Janu­ary 2021, Dr. med. Mild­ner has been working in Switz­er­land as a vas­cu­lar spe­cia­list, initi­al­ly as a seni­or phy­si­ci­an and from June 2022 as an inde­pen­dent atten­ding phy­si­ci­an at the Hirl­san­den Kli­nik Beau-Site in Bern. At the begin­ning of 2024, Dr. med. Mild­ner shifted his focus of acti­vi­ty to Lucer­ne, whe­re he beca­me part of LUVAS – Vas­cu­lar Sur­gery Lucer­ne and an inde­pen­dent atten­ding phy­si­ci­an at the Hirs­lan­den Kli­nik St. Anna.

  • Spe­cia­list Vas­cu­lar Sur­gery FMH
  • Fel­low of the Euro­pean Board of Vas­cu­lar Sur­gery (FEBVS)
  • Spe­cia­list for Sur­gery FMH
  • Endo­vas­cu­lar Sur­ge­on DGG
  • Cer­ti­fi­ca­te of Achie­ve­ment in Endo­ve­nous Ther­mal Abla­ti­on of Saphe­nous Veins (USGG)
  • Mas­ter of Health Busi­ness Administration
  • Peri­phe­ral bypass sur­gery (femo­ral-pop­li­te­al/­fe­mo­ral-crural) for the tre­at­ment of inter­mit­tent clau­di­ca­ti­on and the tre­at­ment of cri­ti­cal ischemia
  • Tre­at­ment and pre­ven­ti­on of stro­ke through throm­bo­en­dar­te­rec­to­my of the caro­tid artery (caro­tid TEA)
  • Con­ven­tio­nal open and endo­vas­cu­lar eli­mi­na­ti­on of peri­phe­ral vaso­dila­ti­on (ili­ac and pop­li­te­al aneurysms)
  • Con­ven­tio­nal open and endo­vas­cu­lar tre­at­ment of dise­a­ses of the aor­ta (main artery) in vaso­dila­ti­on (aneu­rysms) or occlusions
  • Hybrid ope­ra­ti­ons in the pel­vic leg area (throm­bo­en­dar­te­rec­to­my of the femo­ral artery + stent implantation)
  • The enti­re spec­trum of tre­at­ment of vari­co­se veins: from clas­si­cal sur­gery to endo­lu­mi­nal, mini­mal­ly inva­si­ve scl­ero­the­ra­py pro­ce­du­res (laser or radio­fre­quen­cy abla­ti­on), espe­ci­al­ly for rel­ap­se situa­tions (after initi­al tre­at­ment) and tre­at­ment of chro­nic con­ges­ti­on wounds (leg ulcers)
  • Scl­ero­the­ra­py of vari­co­se veins (in com­bi­na­ti­on with vari­co­se tre­at­ment or as an indi­vi­du­al treatment)
  • Implan­ta­ti­on, care and revi­si­on of dia­ly­sis access (arte­rio­ve­nous fis­tu­la and arte­rio­ve­nous shunt), as well as implan­ta­ti­on of vas­cu­lar catheters